Wallet Connect

Unlock the power of decentralized finance with Wallet Connect. Safely link your wallets, ensuring quick and secure access to your crypto holdings.

How to Set Up And Use Wallet Connect

Using WalletConnect to connect to different decentralized applications varies from mobile to web browsers. What remains constant, however, is that the process is both fast and straightforward.

If you have any issues connecting your crypto wallet to WalletConnect, which may occasionally happen, ensure you return to the start and repeat the step-by-step process. In addition, before you get started, make sure that your mobile crypto wallet actually supports WalletConnect.

For this guide, we will use Aave and Trust Wallet.

Aave is a decentralized crypto lending platform that uses smart contracts to enable users to borrow, lend and earn interest on crypto, while Trust Wallet is a leading mobile web3 wallet. To use Trust Wallet, ensure you download and set up the app before getting started.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to connect to Aave using Trust Wallet and WalletConnect.

Last updated